Pay an ode to the great works of Vincent Van Gogh with this impressive selection of landscape paintings. As a Pakistani art gallery, Fitoor proudly showcases the genre as it brilliantly encapsulates the three main categories: impressionistic, abstract, and representational.

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Starry Night By Van Gogh


Recreation of Van Gogh’s Starry Night with vibrant acrylic paints on canvas sheet



A beautiful waterlily painting made with watercolors.

An Apprentice’s Appreciation


“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.” Vincent Van Gogh

Lost at Sea


Features a beautiful sunset on the horizon, | Oil on Canvas | Landscape

City scape


“Different from all,
The charm after all,
It was the destination of fun for all”
Artist ‘AmnaB’
Acrylic on canvas 12×20

Free spirit princess


A princess free from all the worries of the world made on a canvas board (8×10)