Pay an ode to the great works of Vincent Van Gogh with this impressive selection of landscape paintings. As a Pakistani art gallery, Fitoor proudly showcases the genre as it brilliantly encapsulates the three main categories: impressionistic, abstract, and representational.

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Serence Chaos.

13,000 12,850

Serene chaos is an art piece, made with acrylic & oil paint. It represents nature & the beautiful architecture it holds within itself. Be it the Sea clashing with the stone or the clouds beaming the sunshine through it, everything is there made with care in this art work.

An Apprentice’s Appreciation


“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.” Vincent Van Gogh

Lost at Sea


Features a beautiful sunset on the horizon, | Oil on Canvas | Landscape

City scape


“Different from all,
The charm after all,
It was the destination of fun for all”
Artist ‘AmnaB’
Acrylic on canvas 12×20

Free spirit princess


A princess free from all the worries of the world made on a canvas board (8×10)