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Serene Landscape


Oil Painting on 20 X 20 Inch canvas. Landscape painting unframed ready to hang.

Spiritual Awakening


Oil painting on 24 x 32 inches canvas

A Man in turban Oriental Painting


Oil Painting on 24″ x 32″ canvas

Serence Chaos.

13,000 12,850

Serene chaos is an art piece, made with acrylic & oil paint. It represents nature & the beautiful architecture it holds within itself. Be it the Sea clashing with the stone or the clouds beaming the sunshine through it, everything is there made with care in this art work.



Aesthetic art
Size: 12×16 inches on cartridge sheet
Medium: Oil paints
Frame: Black Matte Frame
Delivery worldwide
Inbox for more details



Oils on canvas
28×40 inches
Frame inclusive

Broken Violinist


Portrait of a Violinist in the Cubism style | Mix Medium using multiple sheets of canvas

Lady in blues


The abstract figure of a lady in Cubist style | Oil Paints

Spring hues

  1. Medium: Oil paints


5,000 4,750

– I call this piece Khami which means “FLAWED”
– The non alligned background blocks the deformed rose, each of these things define the flaws of one’s being. Every being is structured differently no one is perfect, the rose depicts the beauty within, Perfection only exists in how one behaves, thinks or operates Rather than how one looks. ♥️



Broken and betrayed, she sat shattered | A melancholic portrait | Mix Medium

Floral Abstract


“With greenery around,

Birds danced round by round,

When flower sang their first song

Artist ‘Amna B’


Oil on canvas
Thick oil paint using knife

Available As Stretched Canvas

Past Reflection

20,000 18,000
  1. “The land of greens,

With purity within,

To build the world,

Full of natural belief”

Artist ‘AmnaB’

Oil on canvas 18×24

Abstract knife painting