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Asma ul Husna (The Beautiful Names of Allah)

  • Acrylic painting of Magnificent Names of Allah

Acrylic Accuracy


Overlapped paint tubes followed by a colour theme.

Arba’a – Four holy verses.

7,000 5,500

Set of : 1) La Ilaha Illalla Muhammad ur Rasool Allah
2) Alhamdulillah Hi Rabbil Alameen
3)Fabi ayyi Alaa i Rabbi Kuma Tukazzibaan
4)Bismillah Hir Rehman ir Raheem



Portrait of a man with the word ‘Muashra’ meaning society in the backdrop | Acrylics

An Apprentice’s Appreciation


“For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.” Vincent Van Gogh

acrylic knife painting

4,500 4,000

acrylic knife painting on canvas size 24×18 inch or you can order this in your desired size.

Magically Yours


Fine Peacock glass painting.Finely painted peacock on glass with glass and acrylic paints.